Construction season is ramping up, which means Ver-Mac units will be traveling to and from work zones on a regular basis.
Before hitching them up and driving away, make sure to observe the following safety measures to avoid accidents and malfunctions.
1. Ensure the power is off.
How to blank a sign on the V-Touch Controller |
Regulator |
2. Visually inspect the unit
Clean battery box |
Secure pin for touch screen.
Jack in transport position |
PCMS wheel |
3. Check that all brakes (hydraulic, electric, and manual) are functioning properly after not having been used for a long time (i.e.: before the first outing of the season, or after having been parked all season.)
Coupler |
4. Verify the coupler.
5. Check your security chains.
Security chains |
6. Ensure your unit is ready for transport.
Closed battery/control box ready for transport |
Mast brake with pin |
Safety pin locked position |
IMPORTANT: Never transport the sign in the up position.
7. Observe the following measures for towing:
Tandem towing |
8. Inspect brake and signal lights.
Please contact customer support if you have any questions.