Queue Warning System | Ver-Mac

What is a Queue Warning System?

Ver-Mac’s Queue Warning System is our most commonly used and cost-effective smart work zone application. Using real-time data from Ver-Mac and third-party sensors, our Queue Warning System manages traffic by informing drivers of downstream conditions. Motorists can be alerted and adjust their driving before reaching a congested area.

A study led by the US DOT has shown that Queue Warning Systems (QWS) reduce the potential for rear-end crashes by 18 to 45% on work zone approaches. Ver-Mac’s QWS has proven its efficiency over decades, helping to keep workers and motorists safe.

Queue warning system
PCMS Slow traffic 2 miles

How Does a Queue Warning System Work?

Sensors collect real-time traffic data downstream from oncoming traffic. Circulation data then goes through our JamLogic software, which analyses the data and automatically publishes traffic conditions to a portable changeable message sign upstream. Informed motorists can adapt their driving in advance, significantly reducing rear-end collisions and work zone incidents.

PCMS Stopped traffic ahead

How Does a Queue Warning System Work?

Sensors collect real-time traffic data downstream from oncoming traffic. Circulation data then goes through our JamLogic software, which analyses the data and automatically publishes traffic conditions to a portable changeable message sign upstream. Informed motorists can adapt their driving in advance, significantly reducing rear-end collisions and work zone incidents.

PCMS Queue 1 mile ahead

How Does a Queue Warning System Work?

Sensors collect real-time traffic data downstream from oncoming traffic. Circulation data then goes through our JamLogic software, which analyses the data and automatically publishes traffic conditions to a portable changeable message sign upstream. Informed motorists can adapt their driving in advance, significantly reducing rear-end collisions and work zone incidents.


The Queue Warning System (QWS) is typically used in the following applications:

  • Highway paving and bridge closures
  • Short-term maintenance lane closures
  • Long-term lane closures where frequent queues are projected to occur
  • Exit ramp queueing onto the highway
  • Backups due to special events

What are the Benefits of an automated Queue Warning System?


    • Improved safety through advanced driver awareness
    • Up to 45% reduction of rear-end crashes
    • Fewer work zone intrusions
    • Enhanced mobility through speed harmonization 


    • Scalable: can be adapted to work zones of all sizes
    • Quick to deploy
    • Portable, dynamic, and automated
    • For short or long-term queue warning applications

Cost Savings

    • The Queue Warning System is the most cost-effective SWZ application
    • According to workzonesafety.org : 10% of congestion nationally is due to work zones, which translates to billions lost yearly in delays, damage and personal injury
See graphic


  • Remote management via JamLogic
  • Detailed equipment and event logging
  • Automatic congestion alerting via text or email (optional)
  • Heat map performance reports (optional)

Frequently Asked Questions about Queue Warning Systems

What is a Queue Warning System?

Through real-time data collection and automatic publication of circulation information, a Queue Warning System informs drivers of downstream traffic conditions.

How can a queue warning system improve safety in work zones?

Since motorists can slow down, merge or brake before reaching the work zone (or congested area), the risks of crashes and thus injuries, are significantly diminished through greater driver awareness.

Which industries typically use automated queue warning systems?

Queue Warning Systems are generally used by the highway and roadway construction industries, as well as special event managers.