Work Zone Speed Management | Ver-Mac

Speed Limit Devices

Work zone speed management devices typically consist of one or more of the following:

  • Speed awareness feedback sign
  • Work zone digital speed limit sign (WZDSL)
  • A combination of a WZDSL & speed feedback sign (Speed Wizard)
  • Variable speed limit sign (in states that allow variable speed limits)

These signs should be spaced every mile or moved to be ¼ to ½ mile upstream of areas of concern. This is the usual spacing for areas with multiple work crews or where the work activity area relocates often.

Speed Limit Devices

Work Zone Digital Speed Limit Signs

To help improve work zone safety, Ver-Mac worked closely with the Ohio DOT to develop a work zone digital speed limit (WZDSL) trailer with beacons that flash when workers are present on the site and the speed limit has been temporarily lowered.

WZDSL signs convey the speed limits for current conditions and can be placed anywhere within the work zone limits.

Speed Limit Devices

Speed Awareness Signs

Speed awareness signs are ideal for areas where you need to remind motorists of the work zone speed limit, and how fast they are traveling relative to that limit. The goal is speed awareness and harmonization of vehicles passing the area of concern.

Speed Limit Devices

Speed Wizard

Winner of an ATSSA Innovation Award, the Speed Wizard combines a work zone digital speed limit (WZDLS) and speed awareness system on the same platform.

  • The WZDSL displays the speed limit above in white LEDs
  • The speed awareness sign below can display 4 levels of warnings to drivers, encouraging them to comply with the speed limit

The combination of a WZDSL and speed awareness sign on a single trailer provides ultimate flexibility. By having fewer devices in the field, more space is available for vehicles and work activities.

Speed Limit Devices

Increase Awareness & Compliance

Our digital speed limit and other speed management signs are intended to increase awareness in critical locations, such as when road workers are near traffic without positive protection or when the work zone presents difficult geometrics (narrow lanes, short sight distance, lane shifts, etc.).

As with all effective speed limit policies, speed limits must always be appropriate for each application. Lowering speeds in work zones to improve safety does not guarantee motorist compliance. It does, however, raise awareness and encourage compliance.

How Does Speed Management Work in a Connected Work Zone?

Beyond what they do on the ground, speed management devices extend their features and their reach when they are part of a connected work zone.

How Does Speed Management Work in a Connected Work Zone?

Speed Limit Adjustment and Awareness

Digital speed limit signs will display the appropriate speed limit when work zones are active, and will revert to the higher, regular speed limit when conditions permit.

A site is considered active: 

  • During construction hours 
  • When vulnerable workers are present on the site and wearing a Connected Worker Presence Vest 

For additional awareness, the work zone digital speed limit trailer will activate its flashing beacons, and the Speed Wizard will display speed feedback information to help protect workers.

How Does Speed Management Work in a Connected Work Zone?

Real-Time Information

In connected work zones, traffic data from speed feedback devices can be pushed through Waze and the Work Zone Data Exchange to reach motorists, Departments of Transportation (DOTs), Traffic Management Centers (TMCs), navigation systems, connected vehicles, and more. 


Speed Limit Management Systems are mainly used in the following situations:

  • Multi-lane highway or interstate work zones without positive protection/clear zones between the motoring public and workers
  • Asphalt resurfacing projects and concrete joint repair jobs
  • Applications where lanes are intermittently closed for construction

Benefits of Using Work Zone Location Markers

Improved Safety

Improved Safety

    • Digital speed awareness displays result in an average of 5-7 mph speed reductions
    • Speed harmonization for low-speed differentials (slow vs fast) to help reduce rear-end crashes and work zone intrusions
    • Speed limit automatically adjusts when work zones are active to help protect workers
Real-Time Information for Stakeholders

Real-Time Information for Stakeholders

    • Digital work zone speed limit and Speed Wizard signs provide historical logs of posted regulatory speeds during the project
    • Information can be sent to navigation systems such as Waze, and connected vehicles, allowing motorists to be aware of speed limit reductions and slow down in advance
    • Information is also pushed through the Work Zone Data Exchange (WZDx) to reach Departments of Transportation (DOTs), Traffic Management Centers (TMCs), and more.
Valuable Data

Valuable Data

    • Historical traffic data for speed compliance checks and possible targeted enforcement efforts to make cost-effective use of enforcement personnel
    • JamLogic provides activation dates, times, GPS location, speed and beacon activation logs


  • Part of Ver-Mac’s Connected Work Zone Notification Systems
  • High-visibility display
  • Autonomous devices (equipped with solar panels and batteries)