Here is our Ver-Mac Connected icon! The world is more and more connected, and our industry is no exception. Products are evolving and connectivity brings many benefits to our industry, such as:
Ver-Mac is a pioneer of the connected world. More than twenty years ago, we started offering the option to connect Portable Changeable Message Signs with 2G modems, allowing contractors to see their message board’s status and change their messages remotely.
Over the last 15 years, we have connected more Ver-Mac products to create Smart Work Zones and created a data exchange interface to send critical information to various Departments of Transportation (DOTs).
In 2019, we became part of the Work Zone Data Exchange (WZDx)’s US DOT national effort. The objective is to create a national standard for exchanging work zone-related data to make roads safer. Ver-Mac played an active role in defining that standard and has been co-chair on multiple sub-groups since then. We have actively participated in the latest version of the WZDx, which includes work zone equipment data exchange.
We’re proud to offer these valuable benefits to our clients and ultimately, to all motorists. This icon is included in our material (website, product sheets, etc.) to indicate which of our units have Connected Capabilities.
Connected units are equipped with an LTE modem, which in turn communicates real-time work zone information to motorists, operations managers, DOTs, connected and autonomous vehicles, as well as other relevant parties via various platforms.
This information can include lane closures, speed limits, work zone start & end zones, flagging operations, temporary traffic signals, road names & mile markers where the unit is deployed, traffic direction and more.
Almost all units have Connected Capabilities but having connected equipment is optional.
JamLogic. All units with Connected Capabilities are connected to JamLogic for Fleet Management, allowing users to monitor and manage units remotely. JamLogic is the hub of all your connected work zone information. It captures and stores data from all types of sources such as your equipment, battery voltage, and travel time data. It is the central source of live and historical data.
The Work Zone Data Exchange. The location, status and more details about the equipment and roads are shared via the US DOT-sponsored feeds, enabling instant publishing to 511, TMC software, mapping apps and connected vehicles. We support data formats for both WZDxFeed Road Events and SWZDeviceFeed as defined in the 4.0 version of the standard.
Waze. Motorists are informed of the presence of construction zones in real-time via Waze, while they are on the road. Increased awareness around work zones allows motorists to slow down or choose alternative routes, enhancing the safety of both motorists and workers.
Please note that being connected to Waze and the WZDx is optional.
All our products have the potential to be connected, EXCEPT for the Work Zone Management Camera (WZMC-1000) and the Power Platform.
Ver-Mac’s futureproof Connected technology provides peace of mind, knowing your product can log data and communicate to the world. And who knows what the future holds? As technology evolves, we will keep evolving with it for safer roads.