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Robust and maintenance-free, our TLD-1312 Trolley-Mounted Traffic Signal can be used in a variety of configurations and contexts. Its high-performance radio communication system ensures efficient and responsive traffic management near the work zone.
Easy to program with our intuitive V-Touch TLD Controller, this single-head traffic signals features 12" (305 mm) diameter lights and is powered by two rechargeable batteries for added efficiency.
NEMA TS 5-compliant, this V-Touch Controller is the quickest and easiest to program on the market.
The V-Touch Controller walks you through each step to ensure proper setup and programming.
Easy-to-Use Touchscreen
Manage in a Few Clicks
Emergency Functionalities
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Any unit can be a primary or secondary unit. No need to move them around.
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Our traffic signals can be equipped with two 12-volt batteries.
The signal operates on one battery with an auxiliary battery backup.
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Ensures secure communication between units.
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The maximum distance between units is up to 1 mile (1.6 km) line of sight.
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Our system monitors radio communication, conflicts, signal malfunction and low voltages.
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Ability to create traffic plans for up to 4 units at a single intersection. Adapts to different project applications.
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Equipped with a telescopic mast for quick and easy deployment.
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No polluting fuel emissions or unpleasant engine noise emitted.
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Increased Safety
The vehicle detection option increases work zone safety by automatically detecting vehicles and adjusting the green time. It is particularly useful when traffic is heavier on one side.
Parameters are customizable to fit any work zone construction length.
When vehicles are detected, the green light can stay active up to the maximum preprogrammed time set by the user. The operator programs the minimum and maximum time, and the desired length of time for the extension.
Traffic signals can be programmed according to the time of day and rush hours.
How it Works
Vehicle detection is commonly used during rush hours. A green light can be programmed and 5 seconds can be added per detected car all the way up to the predetermined maximum time.
No Unnecessary Waiting Time
Have you ever been stopped at a traffic light for several minutes waiting for the countdown and not seeing any cars coming the other way? Frustrating, right? Vehicle detection solves this issue by automatically turning the light to green when a car is detected. No more unnecessary waiting time.
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Typical Application
Pilot cars are mainly used in one-lane two-way work zones to guide traffic and keep their speeds within posted limits.
How it Works
The driver of the work zone pilot car waits for the vehicles to line up behind him/her and when ready, the driver presses the remote-control button to turn the light green. The preprogrammed sequence is then set in motion.
Operating the Lights
The times and settings are all preprogrammed including possible extension times for when there are long lines of vehicles. The lights will remain all red until the pilot car driver presses on the activation button to set the light he wants to turn green.
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Wireless Remote Control
The wireless remote control option allows you to control your units from up to 300 feet away.
You can be positioned in a strategic location and control the units according to the situation.
The remote control has three buttons which allow you to control two phases and full stop, where both units are red (all red).
It is also possible to program your own phases too:
Wired Remote Control
This option allows you to stand about 30 feet away from the unit, off from the road.
The remote control has three buttons which allow you to control two phases and full stop, where both units are red (all red).
It is also possible to program your own phases too:
Typical Application:
Two-way road with one lane closed for work. A worker decides when the lights are red and when they are green, and changes them manually.
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Two Units Displaying the Same Information
Some states require to always have two traffic signal sets to improve safety. The mirror mode enables 2 side-by-side units to act in conformity with this local requirement by displaying the same information.
Increased Safety
Imagine a scenario where there is a long line of cars and trucks. When using only one traffic signal, the cars that are at the very end of the queue may not see what is going on, especially if the wait time is quite long.
The mirror mode, using two units (1 on each side of the road), improves work zone safety by ensuring that the drivers can see the units and information displayed at all times.
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The advanced warning system warns motorists of upcoming temporary traffic signals and indicates that the light is about to turn red, helping them reduce their speed and prepare to stop.
The advanced warning trailer comes with flashing beacons on each side of the sign to get motorists’ attention. The operator can set the pre-warning delay to adapt to the local situation and distance between the warning trailer and the traffic signal.
This product improves safety near work zones by providing clear indications to motorists.
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This option is an emergency vehicle detector. When an emergency vehicle activates the system, the units will automatically favor the direction that the emergency vehicle is coming from to clear all traffic and give them priority.
How it Works
The signal is picked up by infrared detectors or sonar pulsation that is undetectable by individuals (the emergency vehicle and traffic signals must be equipped with the system). When the emergency signal is detected, all sequences and phases will be canceled and set to the emergency phase.
In a 4-way intersection, when the emergency signal is detected, all traffic signals will turn red, except for the unit where the emergency vehicle is approaching, which is automatically given priority.
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*Weight including batteries
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Other options are available to meet your needs.
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« Ver-Mac is one of the most innovative companies in our industry and they help their customers provide traffic control solutions with advanced utilization of technology which creates great value for us. »
Operations Manager, Indiana Sign and Barricade
Our traffic signals with advanced technology in a rural work zone.
A trailer-mounted traffic signal performing in sub-zero temperatures.
Portable traffic signals in Arkansas, helping to keep a mountainside work zone safe.
Trailer-mounted traffic signals in a rural work zone.
Trailer-mounted traffic signals in a rural work zone.
A trolley-mounted traffic signal to control traffic getting on a bridge.