Ver-Mac has been supporting our local United Way for six years now! Every year, our team shows renewed energy and generosity to help our community.
The rampant inflation we have been experiencing is putting unprecedented pressure on everyone, particularly those in precarious financial situations. Food banks are in demand like never before, and many are struggling to make ends meet.
There are many challenges: difficulty getting food on the table, homelessness, persevering through school, domestic violence, and social isolation...
Our local United Way works to leave no one behind by supporting 225 different organizations. These organizations work towards improving lives by moving people from poverty to possibility, helping kids be all they can be, and building strong and healthy communities.
One of Ver-Mac’s core values is caring, and this value is at the heart of our motivation to mobilize every year to support the United Way, adding a link to this great chain of mutual aid.
We thank our teams for their participation and generosity!